Four Levels of Rewards
Level-up throughout the year to earn higher redemption values for your points and get access to a greater variety of rewards, including cool swag, charitable donations, gift cards, and memberships.

Platinum Rock Star (+100 points)
1 point = $5 Redemption Value

Gold Nugget (50-99 points)
1 point = $3 Redemption Value

Silver Star (25-49 points)
1 point = $2 Redemption Value

Bronze Medal (10-24 points)
1 point = $1 Redemption Value
Sign Up and Earn 5 points!
Activities That Earn You Reward Points

Published Content
Customer testimonial, customer success story or video, or blog interview.
15-50 points

Analyst & Peer Site Reviews
Reviews on industry websites (Gartner Peer Insights, TrustRadius, G2, Capterra, Forrester), analyst interview or Forrester Wave.
10-25 points

Customer-to-customer, and customer-to-prospect reference call or meeting.
5-25 points

Events & Awards
Speaker at an Aprimo or leading industry event.
25-50 points

Site Visits
Site host for FinSync meeting.
50 points